Let me start by saying, this panhandling experience could not have been shared with you without the help of Karen Rager, my good friend. Thank you, Karen, for the video, photos, and encouragement in order to complete this experience.
During this experience I received generous donations from total strangers within twenty minutes. I had one negative response from a driver who was waiting at the light next to me. No words were said. None were needed (watch
video to find out). A lot went through my mind as I went through this experience: embarrassment, safety concerns, possibility of the cops showing up, what insults I might receive from strangers, and are people really generous?
From the very beginning of this project, I have been told many times I don't look homeless. One response I received, "I don't look homeless. My clothes could pass as homeless clothes, but my eyes don't show it... Homeless people's eyes show their trauma." I certainly hope people can change there views about homeless. There are so many people out there who are struggling to keep up there appearances to avoid this stereotyping. I understand there are some who would rather not shower for a week or more or not make use of a shelter home (by choice). These are the ones that make more of a negative impact to society, but there are families, single parents, young couples, and individuals who would like to get back on their feet. If you could not judge by how people look and listen to their story, maybe, just maybe that would be a good start to helping out. I spent about 20 minutes talking to a young woman who has been panhandling for the last three months. I will share more later...
Panhandling (my experience panhandling)